Educación física, salud y calidad de vida

Luciano Janecka
Publicaciones en revistas
Corvos, C., Melendez, J., Pintos, E., Silveira, A., y Souza, F. (2023). Ejercicio físico y diabetes mellitus tipo 1: Una revisión narrativa (Physical exercise and type 1 diabetes mellitus: An narrative review). Retos. 51, (159–166).
Brazo, J., Fernandez,S., Pintos, E., Corvos, C., Souza, F., y Bizzozero, B. (2023). Results from the Uruguay’s 2022 report card on physical activity for children and adolescents. Journal of exercise science and fitness. 21(1), (104–110).
Werneck, A., Araujo, R., Anza-Ramírez, C., Brazo, J., García, C., Aguilar, N., Baldew, S., Sadarangani, K y Ramírez, R., García, A., Ferrari, G., Cañete, F., Nieto, R., y Silva, D. (2023). Physical Activity and Sitting Time Patterns and Sociodemographic Correlates Among 155,790. South American Adults. Journal of physical activity & health. 20(8), 716–726.
López, J., Aznar, S., Roman, B., Brazo, J., Izquierdo, R., Barrios, S., Rodríguez , O., y Aubert, S. (2023). Results From Spain’s 2022 Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities. Adapted physical activity quarterly: APAQ. Human Kinetics Journals. 40(3), (551–559).
Godoy, A., Farías, C., Duclos, D., Giakoni, F.,Vásquez, J., Bruneau, J., y Bizzozero, B. (2023). Effects of physical activity interventions on anthropometric indicators and health indices in Chilean children and adolescents: A protocol for systematic review and/ormeta-analysis. Medicine. 102(21).
Cavero, I., Saz, A., Martínez, I., Bizzozero, B., Díaz, V., Díez, A., Moreno, N., y Pascual, C. (2023). Comparative Effect of Two Types of Physical Exercise for the Improvement of Exercise Capacity, Diastolic Function, Endothelial Function and Arterial Stiffness in Participants with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (ExIC-FEp Study): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of clinical medicine. 12(10), 3535.
López, F., García, A., Smith, L., Gallego, A., Montesinos, D., Ezzatvar, Y., Hershey, M., Gutiérrez, H., Mesas, A. ., Jiménez, E., Sánchez, A., López, A., Moreno, L., Chen, S., Brazo, J., Fernandez, A., Alcaraz, E., Panisello, J., Tárraga, P., y Kales, S. (2023). A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of the Archena Infancia Saludable Project on 24-h Movement Behaviors and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Schoolchildren: A Pilot Study Protocol. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 10(4), (738).
Martínez, V., Cavero, I., Reina, S., Gracia, L., Gil, J., Bizzozero, B., Rodriguez, F., y Ubago, E. (2023). Comparative effects of different types of exercise on health-related quality of life during andafter active cancer treatment: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Journal of sport and health science. 12(6), (726–738).
Mesas, A. E., Núñez de Arenas, S., Martinez, V., Garrido, M., Fernández, R., Bizzozero, B., y Torres, A. (2023). Is daytime napping an effective strategy to improve sport-related cognitive and physical performance and reduce fatigue? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British journal of sports medicine. 57(7), (417–426).
Saz, A., Cavero, I., Pascual, C., Martínez, I., Rodríguez, E., Lucerón, M., Bizzozero, B., Moreno,N y Martínez, A. (2023). Early vascular aging as an index of cardiovascular risk in healthy adults: confirmatory factor analysis from the EVasCu study. Cardiovascular diabetology. 22(1), 209.
Bizzozero, B., Fernández, R., Martínez, V., Garrido, M., Medrano, M., Jiménez, E., y Mesas, A. (2023). Nut consumption is associated with a lower risk of depression in adults: A prospective analysis with data from the UK Biobank cohort. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 42(9), (1728–1736).
Rodríguez, E., Torres, A., Saz, A., Bizzozero-, B., Guzmán, M., Sánchez, M., y Martínez, V. (2023). Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training on peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor in adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports.
Lucerón, M., Cavero, I., Martínez, V., Bizzozero, B., Pascual, C., y Álvarez, C. (2023). Association between wine consumption and cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in nutrition. 10(1197745).
Bizzozero, B., Martínez, V., Garrido, M., Fernández, R., Torres, A., Ferri, A., Martín, N y Mesas, A. (2023). The association between meat consumption and muscle strength index in young adults: the mediating role of total protein intake and lean mass percentage. European journal of nutrition. 62(2), 673–683.
Fernández, R., Monedero, S., Bizzozero, B., Garrido, M., Mesas, A y Martínez, V. (2023). Effectiveness of Resistance Exercise on Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Diabetes & metabolism journal. 47(1), 118–134.
Jiménez, E., Mesas, A., Bizzozero, B., Fernández, R., Garrido , M., Montesinos, D., López, R., y López, J. (2023). Clustering of Mediterranean dietary patterns linked with health-related quality of life inadolescents: the EHDLA study. European journal of pediatrics. 182(9), 4113–4121.
Santos, M., Gabani, L., de Andrade, M., Bizzozero, B., Martínez, V., González, D., y Mesas, E. (2023). The bidirectional association between chronic musculoskeletal pain and sleep-related problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford, England. 62(9), 2951–2962.
Montesinos, D., Tárraga, A., Brazo, J., Jiménez, E., Gutiérrez, H., Panisello, M., Tárraga, J., y López, F. (2023). Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Health-Related Quality of Life during the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Sectional Study including Preschoolers, Children, and Adolescents from Brazil and Spain. Nutrients. 15(3), 677.
Bizzozero, B., Ortolá, R., Martínez, V., Rodríguez, F., Fernández, R., Banegas, R., Lopez, E y Mesas, E. (2022). Proinflammatory dietary pattern and depression risk in older adults: Prospective analyses from the Seniors-ENRICA studies. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 41(12), (2614–2620).
Corvos, C., Bizzozero, B., Fernández, S., y Pintos, E. (2022). Concordancia entre ecuaciones de predicción y el método de 1RM en cuatro ejercicios de entrenamiento resistido. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 24(2).
Bizzozero, B., Godoy, A., Fernández, R., Rodríguez, E., Jiménez, E., Giakoni, F., Duclos, D., y Mesas, A. (2022). Mediterranean Diet Interventions for Depressive Symptoms in Adults with Depressive Disorders: A Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health. 19(21).
Mesas, A. E., Jimenez-López, E., Martínez-Vizcaíno, V., Fernández-Rodríguez, R., Bizzozero-Peroni, B., Garrido-Miguel, M., Cavero-Redondo, I., & López-Gil, J. F. (2022). Are adherence to the Mediterranean diet and siesta individually or jointly associated with blood pressure in Spanish adolescents? Results from the EHDLA study. Frontiers in public health, 10.
Pintos, E., Bizzozero, B., Fernández, S., Corvos, C., y Brazo, J. (2022). Actividad física basada en dispositivos versus autorreporte en estudiantes universitarios uruguayos. Revista Médica del Uruguay. 38(2).
Bizzozero, B., Fernández, S., Pintos, E., Corvos, C., Díaz,V., y Brazo, J. (2022). Physical activity-related indicators in children andadolescents in Uruguay: A scoping review based on the Global Matrix initiative. Frontiers in public health.
Werneck, A., Araujo, R., Aguilar, N., Ferrari, G., Brazo, J., García, C., Dourado, V., Barboza, L., Silva, C., Sadarangani, K., Nieto, R., García, A., Ramírez, R., Silva, R., y South American Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Network (SAPASEN) collaborators (2022). Time trends and inequalities of physical activity domains and sitting time in South America. Journal of global health. 12.
Araujo, R.., Werneck, O., Barboza, L., Ramírez, R., Martins, C., Tassitano, R., Silva, M., de Jesus, M., Matias, S., de Lima, A., Brazo, J., & Silva, R. (2022). Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of physical activity and sitting time among South American adolescents: a harmonized analysis of nationally representative cross-sectional surveys. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. 19(1), 52.
Bizzozero, B., Brazo, J., Martínez, V., Fernández, R., López, F., Díaz, V., Cavero, I y Mesas, E. (2022). High Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Higher Physical Fitness in Adults: a SystematicReview and Meta-Analysis. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 13(6), 2195–2206.
López, F., Cavero, I., Jiménez, E., Bizzozero, B., Saz, A y Mesas, E. (2022). Role of Diet Quality in the Association Between Excess Weight and Psychosocial Problems in a Large Sample of Children in Spain. JAMA network open. 5(4).
Bizzozero, B., Brazo, J., Martínez, V., Núñez de Arenas, S., Lucerón, M., Díaz, V., Martínez, A., y Mesas, E. (2022). The associations between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and physical fitness in young, middle-aged, and older adults: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one. 17(7).
Garrido, M., Martínez, V., Fernández, R., Martínez, I., Hernández, E., Bizzozero, B., Ruiz, C., y Mesas, E. (2021). The Role of Physical Fitness in the Relationship between Nut Consumption and Body Composition in Young Adults. Nutrients. 13(6), 2126.
López, F., García, A., Brazo, J., Tárraga, J., y Yuste,L. (2021). Cardiorespiratory Fitness as Mediator of the Relationship of Recreational Screen Time on Mediterranean Diet Score in Schoolchildren. International journal of environmental research and public health. 18(9).
Brazo, J., Aubert, S., Barnes, D., González, A., y Tremblay, S. (2021). Gender differences in physical activity and sedentary behavior: Results from over 200,000Latin-American children
and adolescents. PloS one. 16(8). e0255353.
López,F., Tremblay, S y Brazo, J. (2021). Changes in Healthy Behaviors and Meeting 24-h Movement Guidelines in Spanish and Brazilian Preschoolers, Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Children (Basel, Switzerland). 8(2), 83.
Trapé, A., Camacho, M., Camacho, A., Merellano, E., Rodrigues, L., da Silva, A., Sorgi, C. A., Papoti, M., y Brazo, J. (2021). Effects of moderate-intensity intermittent hypoxic training on health outcomes of patients recovered from COVID-19: the AEROBICOVID study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 22(1), 534.
López,F., Reis, A., Reuter, P., Caetano, I., Gomes, R., Silva, B., y Brazo, J. (2021). Sleep-related problems and eating habits during COVID-19 lockdown in a southern Brazilian youth sample. Sleep medicine, 85, 150–156.
Godoy-Cumillaf, A., Bizzozero-Peroni, B., Tomkinson, G. R., & Brazo-Sayavera, J. (2021).
Physical fitness of Latin America children and adolescents: a protocol for a systematic review
and meta-analysis. BMJ open. 11(5), e047122.
Aubert, S., Brazo, J., González, A., Janssen, I., Manyanga, T., Oyeyemi,L., Picard, P., Sherar, B., Turner, E., y Tremblay, S. (2021). Global prevalence of physical activity for children and adolescents; inconsistencies, research gaps, and recommendations: a narrative review. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. 18(1), 81.
Corvos, C., Bizzozero, B Pintos, E., Fernández, S y Brazo, J. (2020). Beneficios de los videojuegos activos sobre parámetros de aptitud física relacionada con la salud: un comentario en tiempos de cuarentena. Revista Médica del Uruguay, 36(4), (234-248).
Brazo, J. (2022). Manual didáctico para la docencia universitaria del atletismo. Montevideo: Universidad de la República. Comisión Sectorial de Enseñanza. (134).
Capítulos de libros
Fernandez, S., Corvos, C., Pintos, E., Bizzozero, B y Brazo, J. Estudios sobre deporte. Análisis del Rendimiento Humano en Uruguay. Una mirada desde el noreste. En Paola Dogliotti y Raumar Rodriguez Giménez. Tradinco. (289-310).
Tesis de maestría
Fernández, S. (2022). Análisis de los espacios al aire libre para la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en la región noreste del Uruguay. (Tesis de maestría). Universidad de Huelva (UHU), España.
Tesis de posgrado
Pintos, E. (2022). Análisis del uso de los espacios al aire libre para la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en la ciudad de Rivera. (Tesis de maestría). Universidad de Huelva (UHU), España.(2022). Análisis de los espacios al aire libre para la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva en la región noreste del Uruguay. (Tesis de maestría). Universidad de Huelva (UHU), España.